Have you seen the newly re-vamped 944 Magazine? If you are local to the hotspots of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, or Miami (all nightlife-centric places), or just browse their publication online, then you may be familiar with 944 Magazine and its extensive coverage of whats happening in the nightlife scene. I would pick up the magazine on rare occasion, mainly to laugh at the many photos of party people who, in my opinion, should be at home in bed on a Tuesday night rather than at the latest shindig attended by Paris Hilton for the umpteenth time, but I am shocked and rather impressed with the new direction the magazine has taken. They have grown up. (Its about time). They have a new editor, who has moved the focus of the magazine from nightlife to lifestyle. Fashion is now front and center. Editorial is much more streamlined and stylized, and tells a story (somewhat). There are new stylists and graphic designers. The writing, well, there's writing. It has taken a new and better shape. Kudos! Check it out online or better yet, pick up an issue. They're still free and all over town. And, there's still nighlife photos for comedy sake...
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