Battalion: Los Angeles

Monday, March 14, 2011

a look from Battalion's S/S 2011 Collection
(image via
There are very few cases of a brand presenting a well thought out and conceptualized collection and being able to say that its materials, fabrics, and presentation are sourced through sustainable means and helping its local economy by bringing jobs to it, all consciously and stylishly, like Los Angeles based designer Battalion.

Founded by designer Linda Wong, her label Battalion hits the mark perfectly of being a "purveyor of green luxury" through its modern, clean aesthetic and by its thoughtful approach in its concept and production. Using sustainably sourced natural materials like bamboo and organic cotton. These materials lend themselves to designs that are fresh takes on modern luxury staples and unique, one-of-a kind pieces. The collections speak so well to my own modern contemporary personal style and its message of eco-consciousness flows perfectly with my own approach to modern living. The combination of the two couldn't be more potent, and, more winning. Battalion is marching on the front lines in the fashion battle of eco-luxury, and successfully turning the tide of the industry, one collection at a time.



  1. Lovely! I am excited to see further press! Where are these products sold!?

  2. If you click on the Battalion link in the post above, it will direct you to their website, which has a list of stockists and an e-commerce site. Battalion is a great line and the show they presented yesterday was very promising!


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