Video: The Boys of Milan and Paris


Friday, January 28, 2011

This is a joyous and fun video from Jak & Jil's Tommy Ton and director Justin Wu of the male models from the Milan and Paris FW 2011 shows, having fun and offering backstages glimpses of the shows. Can you say, "Boys, Boys, Boys"!?! So much FUN!! Enjoy...

Boys of Milan & Paris FW2011 from Justin Wu on Vimeo.

New Year, New Decade 2.0


Thursday, January 27, 2011

During this time of year, fresh off the heels of New Year celebrations and revelry, everybody starts talking about the changes the intend to bring in with them and implement. These changes, or resolutions, most of the time get lost and forgotten within months. We get bombarded by the media by "resolution stories" to the point of annoyance (to me).

I don't make resolutions, I make choices of evolution.
I intend to continue to change the way I conduct my life on many levels. I intend to make change in how I serve the world and my community. I intend to further embrace my creativity and my commitment to it and its expansion. I intend to strengthen my business so that it evolves and grows exponentially. I intend to grow my personal relationships and always express my love and adoration to those who are dear to me. I intend to continue to explore the scenes around me and share my point of view of it with you. I intend to always have an open heart, an open mind, and open eyes so that I will always see the good surrounding me, feel the infinite good around me, and to do it with my own style.


New Year, New Decade


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Here is a great verse from George Michael's song "Waiting For That Day" that sums up this time for me:

"now everybody's talking about this new decade
like you say the magic number
then just say goodbye to
the stupid mistakes you made
oh my memory serves me far too well

don't you know that
the years will come and go
some of us will change our lives
some of us still have nothing to show
nothing baby
but memories"

It's strange to think of the past year, let alone the past decade. Time seems to keep trudging along, bringing with it much much change. In its wake, it leaves memories. It is these memories that I will think fondly of, no matter if the memory is of something difficult or painful or something happy and joyous. It is these things, these changes, this growth that helps me (and you) to do what we are really here on this planet to do: Evolve.

So to the New Year and New Decade I welcome its Evolution and wish for a Joyous, Prosperous and Happy New Year for everyone!

"look good, feel good, in style"

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