I noticed a very huge phenom last night while having cocktails with my friend at O Bar in West Hollywood and it was a BIG shock 4 me: men in sneakers. Okay, not men in sneakers on its own, but men in sneakers out 4 a fashionable night out. Men in sneakers out at night. Men in sneakers.
Okay, what's happening? I'm talking ALL kinds of sneakers. Basketball sneakers. Tennis shoes. Running and Cross trainers.
I remember about eight years ago in NYC, u would see the occasional sneaker on a guy on a night out and they were always on the avant-garde, trend-forward, fashionable man direct from Europe. And he'd be wearing Yohji Yamamoto Adidas. It was forward and camp and sleek.
This NOT what I saw last night.
Have fashionable gay men lost there fashion edge? Is the culture so saturated with a "clone identity" that no one can wear a SHOE anymore?
There were 8 eight of us not wearing sneakers. I counted and re-counted over my two hour cocktail stint.
We were all girls.
In heels.
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